Purposeful Gift-Giving
Kevin Gibbons Kevin Gibbons

Purposeful Gift-Giving

What do you want when you give a gift?

Sometimes people want to knock the socks off of the recipient and completely amaze them.

Sometimes they want to see the look of joy when the recipient sees a gift that truly shows you understand them and their wants.

Sometimes, admittedly, you just want to check a name off your list and move on.

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The Pause Habit
Melissa Tosetti Melissa Tosetti

The Pause Habit

A friend tells me about a book and before she finishes the description, I’ve already whipped out my phone and bought it. When it arrives, it goes on the pile of unread books that we’ve acquired in the same manner.

This is a common scenario clients have used to describe their spending. The ease 1-Click technology has given us along with how very busy we are primes us for a habit of making a purchase without really thinking through whether or not we really want or need that item.

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