The 1% Challenge
Melissa Tosetti Melissa Tosetti

The 1% Challenge

Is "Save Money" on your list of New Year's Resolutions?

In our experience of working with clients, those who have the most success when it comes to saving money have done so by setting and achieving incremental goals.

One of the reasons our money saving resolutions fail is because we try to do too much at once. We go from not saving anything at all to trying to save 10% or more of our income without a plan. Then, money feels too tight, we start dipping into our savings, get frustrated and stop altogether, claiming to the world that we’re just “not good savers”.

It isn’t that we’re bad savers. It’s just a matter of trying to do too much at once.

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Making 2020 Winter Holidays Special
Melissa Tosetti Melissa Tosetti

Making 2020 Winter Holidays Special

Like so many things in 2020, when it comes to celebrating winter holidays like Hanukah, Christmas, and the New Year, we're going to have to get creative! We reached out on social media asking to hear your plans and ideas for how to celebrate in this very bizarre year.  Here are the results.    

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Purposeful Gift-Giving
Kevin Gibbons Kevin Gibbons

Purposeful Gift-Giving

What do you want when you give a gift?

Sometimes people want to knock the socks off of the recipient and completely amaze them.

Sometimes they want to see the look of joy when the recipient sees a gift that truly shows you understand them and their wants.

Sometimes, admittedly, you just want to check a name off your list and move on.

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