Savvy in Canada


I recently received an email from Wendy S. who lives in Canada. She wrote to tell me about some of the savvy money habits she already has in place as well as some of the tips she has been taking from Living The Savvy Life. Wendy was kind enough to give me permission to share her email:Hi Melissa,I would like to thank you for writing your book, Living The Savvy Life. I have just finished reading it and it was loaded with great information and it was a good read as well.I wish it had been around when I was younger. I am retired now and was surprised to find that even though I had saved for my retirement, it doesn't end there! I still have to save for my old age (my aunt lived to be 95)!I am currently putting away 15% of my net income. I live in Canada and we are able to put $5,500 into a tax free savings account each year. (We don't pay tax on the income that it makes) so, I contribute to that each year and I also belong to an investment group... a group of retired ladies who are learning about investing.I also liked your organization chapter on housekeeping. I have typed out the weekly lists adjusting it to meet my situation and have put it into a plastic sleeve. I have hung this on my laundry room bulletin board. That way I can see what needs to be done each week. I do as much as I can, knowing that the whole house will get done each month.I enjoyed your recommendations on various books about wardrobe planning. I was able to get the books through my local library. My closet will be my next job!Thanks for sending me your newsletter! You are doing a great job. Looking forward to getting more.Sincerely,Wendy


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