Wing P.


I found myself in a tough place even though I had a great career. I'd gotten divorced and put two amazing kids through school and college. When I looked to the future, it was clear I hadn't planned as well as I should have.

Melissa worked with me to bring things back to basics. First she just listened and understood my journey and my situation. She never judged and always asked me what I wanted out of my life. She then helped me prioritize what really mattered to me and gave me the tools and support to take control of my budget and my future planning. 

Melissa is more than a coach. She's a practical financial planner as well as an empathetic listener. She's encouraging but also clear about what needs to be done. She's the kind of person one finds in life that you never want to let go of. 


Marcia & John C.


When to Spend, When to Save on Travel