Money Coach or Financial Advisor?
Melissa Tosetti Melissa Tosetti

Money Coach or Financial Advisor?

Do you need a Money Coach or Financial Advisor?  Just figuring out what type of expert you need can be challenging.

Financial advisors work with you to create a holistic financial plan to grow and protect your money now and in the future.  Typically, they provide clients with financial services, planning or advice related to investing, retirement, insurance, mortgages, college savings, estate planning, taxes and more.

Types of Money Coaches

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Habits - The Good & The Bad (part 2)
Kevin Gibbons Kevin Gibbons

Habits - The Good & The Bad (part 2)

In our previous article, I talked about why cultivating good habits is so important. They make mundane or repetitive tasks rote so you can devote more of your brain power to the more novel or important things in your life. I also gave the example of how to make tracking your spending a habit.

In this article, I want to focus on two other critical aspects: the importance of breaking bad habits and making continuous improvement a habit.

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