Savvy Money Habits & Discount


It’s a new year!  Did you achieve your 2015 financial goals?If not, what are you going to do differently in 2016 to make them happen?One of the most impactful lessons I’ve learned is the power or habits when it comes to achieving goals.  Good habits catapult you toward success.  Bad habits widen the gap.On Thursday, January 14th I’m hosting the Savvy Money Habits webinar.  In this free webinar you’ll learn the easy to implement, daily money habits that will build your financial foundation while you enjoy the journey.You’ll learn how to save for your goals while still being able to do the things you want to do, buy the things you want to buy and visit the places you want to visit.   It’s the cornerstone of Living a Savvy Life.Although the webinar will be packed with information you can immediately put into action, I know that some of you may not want to wait.  Or perhaps you’ve tried to do it on your own and are at a point where you need personalized help.  With that in mind, we’re offering a 15% discount, until January 15th on all three of our one-on-one programs:

  • Tailored Spending Plan - A one-time session where we’ll create your 2016 Spending Plan.
  • Bridging The Gap - This program includes the creation of your Spending Plan, a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan and two follow up meetings to ensure you stay on track.
  • The Savvy Life Makeover – We start with the creation of your personalized Spending Plan. From there, we’ll meet every two weeks and focus on organizing and planning for the areas of life where you feel you most often overspend time and money, with the least amount of satisfaction, such as your Home, Food, Clothes, Travel and Entertainment.

Living a Savvy Life isn’t just about saving money.  It’s about creating a plan to fund the life you want to live.Sign up now and we can get started as quickly as tomorrow.


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