Jet Lag: A Holiday Lesson


It’s 3:50 am.My alarm isn’t supposed to go off for another 2 hours and 10 minutes, but here I am, showered and two cups of coffee into my Tuesday.I’m assuming it’s jet lag. We got back from Italy less than 48 hours ago.I promise an account and review of our Groupon adventure in the coming days, but right now, the thing on my mind is sleep, precious sleep.I believe the reason the topic is front of mind is compounded by the fact that we came back to the states at the official start of Christmas season. Like it or not, the most frenetic and exhausting time of the year.Over the last few months the speech topic I’ve given most is the Savvy Holidays - how to save time, money and your sanity during this last six weeks of the year.At the moment, I’m reminded of the tip I find most beneficial in an effort to save your sanity which is to block out at least one night, every work week, to relax at home.  This week, I have TWO nights blocked out on my calendar!There are so many things to do, so many events to attend you, may think you don’t have the time to spare.  But, by scheduling that one night off, you’ll give yourself an opportunity to relax, recharge and get to bed at a decent time.   The next day you’ll be re-energized and ready to tackle your holiday to-dos on top of the rest of your day-to-day tasks.  This habit also goes a long way toward preventing you from getting that annual holiday cold.Right now, before finishing reading this, block those days off in your calendar.  Give yourself an opportunity to read that book, watch holiday TV and eat a healthy, home cooked dinner.  It might end up being one of your favorite memories of the holiday season.Bonus Tip: Put your slow cooker to use that morning and when you get home, you’ll be greeted by the inviting smell of dinner already prepared.  All you have to do is shuffle to the bedroom, change into your pajamas and settle in for a peaceful winter’s night.


Unintentional Savvy Shopping


My Afternoon With Oprah