Freezing Time & Money


By Melissa TosettiLast Wednesday, I was scheduled to do a Savvy Travel Workshop in Vienna, VA.   Before heading to the airport, I realized I had a large batch of whole wheat and oatmeal pancake batter and a ¾ of a pot of Portuguese beans in the fridge.Although they would both still be good by the time I got back on Thursday, they wouldn’t last much past that day.  I decided to throw them both in the freezer.The exercise wasn’t just about saving the few dollars invested in those ingredients by not letting them go to waste.  Being able to use those already prepared items, saved me time later on as well.On Saturday we had plans for a day trip to the snow.  I was able to make pancakes in less than 5 minutes using the batter I froze on Tuesday.  The key in that one was remembering to defrost it on Friday!We saved money by eating breakfast at home and we also saved 30 – 45 minutes by not having to stop for breakfast along the way.  More time to play in the snow… something we Californians haven’t had a lot of in these last few years of drought!Over time, the freezer has saved me again and again.  If I know we won’t be able to use leftovers, they get thrown in the freezer.  Bananas ripening too fast – freezer.  Leftover French bread – freezer.I fully admit that it took awhile before I got in the habit of actually using the items I froze.  It’s so easy to forget about them.Now, when I’m thinking about my meals for the week, I go through the freezer to see what I can pull out for an evening when time might be tight.  If I want a loaf of French bread to go with a weekend meal, I’ll check the freezer first to see if there’s any left from a previous meal.I continue to be reminded that Savvy Living isn’t just about being purposeful with your money.  It’s about using the resources you have available and if you can save some time along the way, even better! 


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