Cut the Clutter – Fatten Your Wallet


By Melissa TosettiWhen you walk into your home after a long day at work, do you:

  1. Immediately feel the stress of the day melt from your shoulders or…
  2. Cringe at the piles of clutter creeping out from every corner, cower from the piles of unfolded laundry and tremble at the sight of the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes?

If you’re answer was #2, it’s very likely that the state of your home is not just affecting your stress level.  It’s affecting your checking account as well.When you’re not comfortable in your own home, you don’t want to be there.  When you don’t want to be there, you’ll find any excuse to get out.  Avoiding being at home could include shopping, going to movies, dining out in restaurants and even going to the organization supply store to get stuff for your stuff.The reality is that clutter is a manifestation of improperly spent money.  If the items purchased were truly wanted or needed, they would have a purpose and not be relegated to piles in the corner.  Look around your home and think of what else you could have done with the money spent on the items now overwhelming you.If you find that you just can’t relax in your own home, but don’t know where to begin, consider one or more of the following books and websites.I believe one of the best books to come along regarding clutter is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.  You may have heard about it before as it has gained a cult following – and for good reason!One of my favorite resources for putting housekeeping routines into play is  Baby steps are a crucial component of the Flylady’s systems and baby steps are easy to implement within our crazy schedules!In my book, Living the Savvy Life, I dedicated an entire chapter to turning your home into your own sanctuary.If you feel your situation is too difficult to manage on your own, it’s worth it to seek one-on-one help.  You can find a professional organizer in your area by visiting The National Association of Professional Organizers.Remember, savvy living isn’t about “saving money”.  It’s about mindful spending for quality of life.


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